Oregon DMV Hearings FAQ for in-person hearings

QUESTION: Do I have to go to my Oregon DMV Hearing?

You’re not required to attend, but I almost always find it helpful if you do. You can alert me to problems in the officer’s testimony. Plus, the DMV Hearing is your first chance to hear your lawyer fight for you — and get a gauge on how they fight.

QUESTION: Will they ask me any questions at the DMV Hearing?

No. You’re not a source of evidence, because in the related criminal case you have a right to silence. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) may confirm your mailing address with you at the start of the hearing. After the officer testifies, you have the right to testify if you wish. In 99% of my DMV Hearings, my client does not testify. There’s rarely any benefit to it in this type of hearing.

QUESTION: How should I dress?

These are informal hearings. The judge will not be wearing a robe and I will not be wearing a suit, unless I’m coming from court! Dress is business casual. 

QUESTION: Who is the Judge?

Your case will be adjudicated by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) from the Oregon Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The ALJ will not be in a robe or in a courtroom and is not an elected judge. ALJs are lawyers who simply applied for a state job. Sometimes they are experienced, and sometimes not. They’re generally nice people trying to make the right decision.

QUESTION: Will the judge take my license away if we lose — right there?

The ALJ will not make a decision about your suspension at the hearing. Instead, they will mail a written decision to you which must be post-marked before your suspension begins. Your proposed suspension is usually slated to start on the 30th day after the date of your arrest.

QUESTION:  Should I chit-chat with the officer or ALJ while waiting for the hearing? 

No. The officer is trained to listen to how you talk, so he can testify, “It’s much different than on the night in question.” Don’t give him that opportunity.

QUESTION: What’s the point of this DMV hearing?

We’re looking for any reason for the proposed suspension to not be imposed. We’re also investigating the case by questioning the state’s star witness. We use that information to make smart decisions about how to handle the criminal case.

It’s Still Illegal to Impose More Jail For Going to Trial

The original post on this topic is here: More Jail for Trial? No!

The Court of Appeals has reversed three convictions recently for judges imposing more jail on someone who went to trial:

State v. Robledo, 281 Or App 96 (2016) (Egan, J.) Robledo opinion

State v. Bradley, 281 Or App 696 (2016) (Tookey, J.) Bradley opinion

State v. Criswell, 281 Or App 146 (2016) (Garrett, J.) (this one was for a harsher sentence following appeal) Criswell opinion

Point being, it’s really true: courts cannot use the sentencing power as a stick to force people into pleading guilty, and lawyers should not assist with it. It’s illegal, and it’s morally reprehensible.

Oregon DUII Diversion — How Long to Decide?

If you’re arrested for DUII and you’re eligible for the Oregon DUII Diversion program, the law generally requires that you file your Diversion petition within 30 days of your first court appearance. ORS 813.210(1). However, that deadline can be extended for “good cause.” ORS 813.210(1)(a). The legislature didn’t give us much guidance on what constitutes “good cause,” but they told us what doesn’t: filing a motion to suppress, demurrer, omnibus hearing, or starting a trial.

That 30 day period is extended in drug DUIIs if police obtained a blood or urine sample and there’s no notice of >.08% BAC. In that case, the Diversion window ends 14 days after the prosecutor sends blood or urine testing results to the defendant. ORS 813.210(1)(c).

In 2013 Oregon passed a “Brady Bill,” codifying the discovery obligations of Brady v. Maryland, 373 US 83 (1963). The prosecutor must disclose police reports, notes, and any lab note results of blood alcohol content (BAC). ORS 135.815(1), (3). But subsection (2) addresses timing, indicating those disclosures “shall occur without delay after arraignment and prior to the entry of any guilty plea pursuant to an agreement with the state. If the existence of the material or information is not known at that time, the disclosure shall be made upon discovery without regard to whether the represented defendant has entered or agreed to enter a guilty plea.” ORS 135.815(2).

Most courts understand that a guilty or no contest plea entered without full discovery is on its face not an intelligent and knowing plea. That is, without a lab report indicating what BAC the state attributes to the defendant, the defendant cannot know how her lawyer would defend the case. Lawyers do not defend under-the-limit DUII cases the same way we defend over-the-limit DUII cases. An accurate measurement of BAC can help protect the innocent and convict the guilty, and it is arguably the most important piece of evidence in any DUII case — because it harks from science, not opinion.

Point being: even though the legislature didn’t tell us what “good cause” meant for delaying an Oregon DUII Diversion decision, they did tell us that we’re not supposed to permit guilty pleas without full discovery.

There are times where it may, nevertheless, be wise to enter a plea to enter DUII Diversion without full discovery. For instance, if you feel that you were three sheets to the wind while driving, and you want to start the Diversion obligations, you are not required to wait until blood draw results come back from the Crime Lab (which typically take 6-8 weeks at the time of this writing). The nice thing about starting Diversion obligations in that situation are: (1) they then end sooner; (2) sometimes starting the process of Diversion helps deal with guilt or shame brought on by the arrest; (3) the Ignition Interlock Device (IID) requirement can start during a time when you’re already suspended for refusing or failing a breath test; and (4) early recognition of an alcohol problem can be looked on favorably by courts and prosecutors in relation to other pending charges from the night of the arrest (Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangering, etc.).

The short answer to “how long you have to decide” is: 30 days from your first court appearance. But if discovery is not complete, the law makes clear that you shouldn’t be required to enter a plea and enter the Oregon DUII Diversion program just yet — to give up your rights and defenses at trial, you have to know about what they’d be. And most lawyers can’t tell you how they’d defend your case without knowing what the BAC is.

DUII Trial — Won’t the Court Impose More Jail?

Oregon DUII defendants are frequently concerned about an increased  jail penalty if they lose at trial after rejecting a plea deal.

It is unlawful for a court to “impose a sentence that is longer than it would have been had [one] not exercised the right to go to trial or not utilized a defense that was inconsistent with owning up to his misdeeds.” State v. Fitzgibbons, 114 Or App 581, 586 (1992). “[C]ourts must not use the sentencing power as a carrot and stick to clear congested calendars, and they must not create an appearance of such a practice. * * * [T]he record must affirmatively show that the court sentenced the defendant solely upon the facts of his case and his personal history, and not as punishment for his refusal to plead guilty.” 114 Or App at 586-87 (quoting State v. Smith, 52 Or App 681 (1981), and United States v. Stockwell, 472 F2d 1186, 1187 (9th Cir), cert den 411 US 948 (1973)).

Fitzgibbons reversed a 10-day jail sentence for harassment based in part on the judge’s commentary “that negotiated pleas are based upon whether or not someone is willing to accept responsibility for their behavior and talk to the Court about that behavior and move on with their life or whether they wish to go to trial, they wish to contest it. Those are two different mind sets. I’m dealing with two different people, I’m dealing with two different situations. That’s what I’m looking at. I’m not looking at a penalty for a trial.” 114 Or App at 585-86. The Court of Appeals found sentencing with those considerations was, in fact, a trial penalty. Id.

Reversal was similarly required in State v. Qualey, 138 Or App 74 (1995):

“From my perspective [defendant], you traumatized [the victim] twice: Once was on the day of the incident, and the second was putting him through this court hearing here again. That was a choice you made after lots of reflection, [and] after plenty of opportunity to consider the alternatives * * *.”

After the court conveyed the terms of defendant’s sentence, defendant’s attorney questioned the motivation behind the sentencing decision:

“It sounds as though part of the sentence being imposed is because [defendant] exercise[ed] his constitutional right to have a trial. He is being penalized because he asked for a trial, and the District Attorney felt compelled to call the witness.”

The court responded:

“[Defendant] is entitled to exercise his rights. He is not insulated from the consequences of doing that when it harms other people and there are viable alternatives. * * * The District Attorney offered him Assault in the Fourth Degree and no jail time prior to trial, and [defendant] decided to roll the dice and gamble. That involved not only him and court time and you and the D.A., but it also involved the witnesses, including a small child * * *. That was a decision [defendant] made and he is not insulated from the consequences of that simply because he had a constitutional right to make that decision.”

138 Or App at 76-77 (emphasis in original). Reversal was required – trial penalties simply impermissibly burden and chill a defendant’s absolute right to her day in court.

Point being: it is unlawful for a court to issue a harsher punishment to an Oregon DUII defendant who loses at trial than to a defendant who enters a plea without trial. That’s because trial is a right — not a license, or a privilege. One cannot be punished for exercising a right. Otherwise, it’s not a right at all.

There are two scenarios where I risk more jail by going to trial: (1) where the DA makes a plea offer that dismisses charges (especially more serious charges — particularly if they’re Measure 11); or (2) where the defendant testifies. Scenario 1 is self-explanatory. Scenario 2 happens because some judges propose that if a defendant testified, yet a jury found them guilty, the jury must have believed there was lying in the court. For that reason, among many others, it’s often a better idea in DUII trials to not testify or offer additional evidence. Now that more DUIIs are videotaped, I find less reason to call clients as witnesses at trial — because they’ve said everything important on that video, on the night of the arrest. And in a case where you don’t testify, the judge instructs the jury: “A defendant has an absolute constitutional right not to testify. Therefore, a defendant’s decision not to testify cannot be considered as an indication of guilt. It should not be commented on or in any way considered by you in your deliberations.”

My experience with juries (including being on a jury) leads me to believe that jurors honor and follow those instructions. They want to follow the law, and they will enforce the Constitution. Juries are a great bulwark against the accusatory power of the state — a power that, unchecked, can destroy lives based on raw accusation.


This blog post was — surprisingly to me — probably our firm’s most controversial. Most comments on Facebook came from defense lawyers defending judicial practice in their locality of punishing people for exercising their right to trial. Some of the posters took a “federalist” bent, arguing that a trial penalty is perfectly OK in federal courts. The argument forgets that we have state law right on point — and we don’t get to federal law until we deal first with state law. We are not dealing with a blank slate, with no state law decision.

The case is Fitzgibbon, cited above. What follows is a portion of the trial judge’s impermissible commentary that resulted in reversal for re-sentencing: “And you know and I know that in Federal Court that negotiated pleas are based upon whether or not someone is willing to accept responsibility for their behavior and talk to the Court about that behavior and move on with their life or whether they wish to go to trial, they wish to contest it” (emphasis added). In other words, the Court of Appeals has met this “federal sentencing” argument, and said: NOT HERE. If you can be punished for exercising a right, it is no right at all.

IID False Positives: donuts, bagels, Altoids, and coffee

How to avoid IID false positives? Don’t eat or drink anything within 15 minutes of using an Ignition Interlock Device (IID). And since they come with “rolling re-tests,” don’t eat or drink while driving at all.

That’s the advice I give everyone about IIDs. It is shocking, and a life-change for many busy people who typically have coffee or food while driving. I give this advice, however, for a few different reasons: Continue reading

DUII Mugshot Websites and HB 3467

Many of my DUII clients have been victimized by the “mugshot” websites or “Busted”-type magazines. Those entities prey on human frailty. Their customers are, in a documented sense, dealing with truly low self-esteem.

On one hand, who cares about the troglodytes who would buy (!) Busted or check out those websites? On the other hand, many employers “Google” someone before offering them a job? Continue reading

Relicensing and Proof of Treatment

For folks looking to reinstate their driving privileges: DMV’s rules require proof of successful alcohol treatment before you can get your license back following a DUII conviction. There are a only a few, narrow exceptions: (1) it’s been more than 15 years; (2) a Circuit Court judge signs an order that says you made “sufficient steps” to complete treatment; or (3) it’s an out-of-state DUII conviction we’re talking about. The rule reads as follows:

735-070-0085 Continue reading

Who is an Oregon CDL Holder? It’s not who you think

If you look at this issue on Oregon DMV’s website, or “Google” it, you’ll often get this (incorrect) answer: “Oregon statute defines a CDL holder as a person who was issued a CDL by DMV or the licensing agency of any other jurisdiction, as long as the CDL is:
* Not expired, or if expired, expired less than one year; or
* Suspended, but not cancelled or revoked.” Continue reading

Canada & DUII Diversion

People in the U.S. with pending DUIIs, or with completed DUII Diversions, convictions or arrests, all may face some barriers with Canada travel. To ensure entry, the best thing to do is to get permission ahead of time. The Canadian Embassy calls this permission a “waiver of exclusion.” The process can take a few weeks Continue reading

IIDs, DUII Diversion, and Absurdity: Forklifts, Skateboards, and Bicycles

Oregon’s DUII Diversion statute provides, as of January 1, 2012: “The court shall require as a condition of a driving while under the influence of intoxicants diversion agreement that an approved ignition interlock device be installed in any vehicle operated by the person during the period of the agreement when the person has driving privileges.” [https://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/813.602]

The ignition interlock device (IID) requirement doesn’t apply to just “motor vehicles.” The phrase is “any vehicle.” That includes the obvious motor vehicles like motorcycles, ski-boats, and jet-skis, but what about bicycles and skateboards? ORS 801.590 (‘”Vehicle” means any device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway and includes vehicles that are propelled or powered by any means.’).” At first, you might think there’s a escape valve here: ORS 801.026(6) provides, “Devices that are powered exclusively by human power are not subject to those provisions of the vehicle code that relate to vehicles.” Until you read the next sentence:  ”Notwithstanding this subsection, bicycles are generally subject to the vehicle code as provided under ORS 814.400.”

So you don’t need an ignition interlock on a non-motorized skateboardSee, e.g., State v. Smith, 184 Or App 118 (2002) (skateboard not a vehicle for purposes of Oregon Vehicle Code). You technically need an IID for your bicycle. But compliance is impossible, since bicycles sans motor are also sans ignition. In this situation, we’re left with the hope that impossibility is still a defense in the law. Cf. State v. Chilson, 219 Or App 136 (2008).

Remember, the IID requirement applies off-road too, even on private land — it’s for “any vehicle.” Riding your motorcycle in the dunes? Driving a forklift in a private warehouse for work? Both would violate the terms of your Diversion contract — if you do those things “during the period of the agreement when the person has driving privileges.” So if you ride your dirt bike in the dunes while your license is suspended (coincidentally — that’s Driving While Suspended (DWS) because the dunes are premises open to the public), you haven’t violated your Diversion agreement. If you reinstate your license and do the same, you have violated the terms of your Diversion agreement. Same goes for the forklift operator in the private warehouse.

Now, to make it more complicated: as of January 1, 2014, House Bill 2116 will amend ORS 813.602 to grant two exemptions from the IID requirement: (1) medical inability; and (2) employer-owned vehicles. For a medical exemption, the driver must prove to the court the elements of the medical exemption. For employer-owned vehicles, the driver must notify her employer that “the employee has driving privileges and is otherwise required to install an [IID] as a condition of a [DUII] diversion agreement” and must carry the notification and the reinstated license with her while driving.