Portland, Oregon DUII and Criminal Defense Attorneys

Reynolds Defense Firm has over 100 years of combined Oregon DUI law experience, both on the prosecution and the defense sides, and we are second to none. We focus all of our time and expertise on one very small area of the law, and
we do it very well – we represent good people facing DUI charges.

Being arrested can shake you to your core in a way that most people don’t fully grasp. We understand what you are going through, and we take the time to help you work through the human side of being arrested as well as the legal side.
We have an entire team of genuine, caring people. Each of us is an “A” player, and we each understand that our individual role is essential to the success of our team. By working together, we are much stronger, and we do a much
better job for our clients than any of us could possibly do on our own. This is how we make sure that we do our absolute best to help each person we represent.

The Reynolds Defense Firm isn’t right for everyone, but if you are a good person who needs help, we may be exactly what you are looking for. Please call us today at 503-270-3037 so we can start working together to get you through this.